"The Secret Society" - 2016
The 2016 season of The Dream Dance Company discovers the world of Candace Brown. Direct from New York City, Candace Brown is a internationally acclaimed choreographer and mentor to many dancers across the world. The Secret Society will expose and introduce the audience to a new beat, an underground world where the artists and dancers exist. A world where currency is in the beat and communication is in your movement.
THE SECRET SOCIETY is set to explore a new beat of dance. It will tantalise the audience and transport them to a place where dancers and artists would exist if they could create their own world, an underground world where dance becomes communication. Candace Brown's choreography is cutting edge, raw, emotive, energising and inspiring. The company is set to re-define commercial dance in the live theatre element. We invite you to enter the world that is our secret society.
2016 Cast & Creatives
Candace Brown
Marko Panzic
Production Director:
Jeremy Koch
Dance Captains:
Katie Sanchez
Lauren Seymour
Charles Bartley
Stephen Perez
Dayton Tavares
Brandon Atoui
Rob McLean
David Mclean
Callum Mooney
Jordan Grant
Katie Sanchez
Lauren Seymour
Cat Santos
Shivawn Joubert
Lauren Elton
Teagan Seaborn
Anti Fischer
Cassandra Merwood
Music Producer:
Aaron Lee
Company Manager:
Abbe Bradbury
Jacqueline Mitchell
Jo Bananas
Fluke Media